Friday, 10 June 2016

REACTING TO IVAN CYOMORO KAGAMES PIECE ON LINKEDIN CALLED:"My Experience as a Young Rwandan and Why You Should Never Trust the Young Cyomoro"


Before I look into Mr. Prince Ivan Cyomoro's ariticle published on Linkedin talking about his experience as a Young Entrepreneur in Africa & Why You Should Invest in Young Africans. I am Bigirimana Jerome, a son of a farmer in Kiyombe Commune, Byumba. Currenly I dont know what new name your father, mother, uncles, and other relatives you have in the Kigali government have named Kiyombe Mountains. However, I dont care because I started fleeing your people killing spree ever since I was 3 years old. Now I am 31 by the God's grace I am still here against your father's will. 

As someone with a Bachelor Degree in Business Management from the The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. I graduated in 2009 with first class and immediately got my scholarship to the University of New York to do Actuarial Science in Financial Economics. Now I am doing my PhD in Business Investment Law, therefore I am qualified to analyze Mr. Cyomoro's article, especially where business matters either inside Rwanda, Africa and Western world. Now let's talk real business here. 

Mr. Cyomoro Sir, before you call yourself an entrepreneur at the expense of Rwandans first of all show to this world, more specifically to the Young Rwandans how and when you started the business you are talking about. According to different definitions of what you call Entrepreneurship. According to the Harvard Business School' s Working Definition formulated by Professor Howard Stevenson, the godfather of entrepreneurship studies at HBS, entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity beyond resources controlled. 

Pursuitimplies to show tangible progress to attract resources, and the mere passage of time consumes limited cash balances. 
Opportunity” implies creating a better or cheaper version of an existing product; or 4) targeting an existing product to new sets of customers. 
Beyond resources controlled” implies to bring a new venture to the point where it becomes self-sustaining from internally generated cash flow. With most high-potential ventures, however, founders must mobilize more resources than they control personally: 

Looking at all three elements of entrepreneurship, the Kigali Prince and Self-Titled entrepreneur does not even have any clue about what entrepreneurship is all about. Unless he is talking about military entrepreneurship that him and his father specialized in. In Business when we talk about pursuit it implies that you have to show tangible progress to attract resources. New resources which I have never seen anywhere Mr Cyomoro Sir has invested and start his own business apart from the property and resources that his father grabbed from our fathers who had spend over 30 years working hard to establish Rwanda as Mr Prince Cyomoro knows it today. His father Paul Kagame pursuit only one thing to worship AK47 to kill, maim, and exile those who worked hard and grab their belongings. 

Cyomoro said that he is a "Young, forward-thinking entrepreneur" but forgot that he does not even understand what comprises entrepreneurship.  How could he advance economic and human development throughout Africa and yet Hutu youth in Rwanda are second class citizens in the land of their great grand fathers. Mr Cyomoro should let us know whether the Iwawa Island in Lake Kivu is one of his entrepreneurships where he won a supply market to provide maize and beans for the jailed young Hutus. That would be a great investment opportunity for a "young African entrepreneur born in a country where half of the people have been alienated in their own land. 

Mr Cyomoro Sir, I absolutely agree with you that African "continent is poised for great social and technological advances." I recently saw your father investing much in Drone Technology. However, not because he wants Rwanda to become a New Little Singapore of Africa, but because your dad believes that drones will keep him in power because he will be sending those drones to increase eavesdropping on all Rwandans day and night. To prove that what I am talking about, Rwanda with only 11 million population has more army than Denmark despite the fact that Danish economy is 1500 times of that of Rwanda. The first thing your dad did after coming to power after the assassination of  Habyarimana Juvenal and sending more than 4 million Rwandan Hutu refugees into exile he bought weaponry for over $100 million. He sent you to military school in US so that you will be in charge of this massive amary in case Hutus might revolt against your regime then you would have known a free shoot to kill. How come now you are talking about business?

In your article you said that "Rwanda, your home country, can proudly proclaim its progress. As The Economist recently reported that by almost all social and economic measures, Rwanda has proved to be the developing world’s shining star. Income per capita has doubled since 2000 and, unlike most other countries in the region, it has managed to grow quickly while also reducing inequality.” Prince Cyomoro do you real agree with the Economist? You know the economist is a paid RPF PR firm. They collect a monthly check from your father. May I remind you that recently your dad appointed your sister Ange to be the head of Public Relations in his office? May I remind you that a Rwandan banana seller in the capital of Kigali was killed by DASSO in order to keep the city clean for international tourists? By the way I am also a Rwandan and Rwanda is my country although your family prevented me from coming back home to bury my relatives with dignity in Kiyombe. Therefore to say that Rwanda has made progress is to put salt in the wounds of most Rwandans who can barely afford one meal a day. Did you read in Imvaho Nshya that in Gitarama more than 5000 Hutu kids disappeared from school because of hunger? Did you watch the New York Times documentry about over 12000 Hutu kids in concentration camp in Iwawa Island? If you missed this you can visit this link below.  These kids have done nothing wrong apart from being born Hutus.

To ensure that you continue to enjoy free milk, free coffee, free dinner, free social media time your dad has no options but to send them to the Iwawa Island so that when they are hungry they can do nothing else but drown themselves in the waters no one will ever know what happened to them. As for you, you are busy lying to the world that you are an entrepreneur. To host the World Economic Forum is not a miracle because many African countries have hosted the event including your neighbor Kenya. The seventh World Social Forum was held in Nairobi, Kenya in January 2007, therefore you are very much behind. 

You said that today, Rwanda is a great place to do business and you still cited The Economist. You can only lie to people who are not Rwandans. Let me narrate my uncle's story for you. After my uncle came back to Rwanda from the refugee camp of nyangezi in Eastern DRC, he started business in Rwamagana. Luckily his business succeeded not because your dad wanted it to succeed but because my dad accepted to be paying "icyama." Always he had to pay a check of around $10000 every month to the RPF bank account in order to let him keep on doing business in a Tutsi populated town of Rwamagana. However, the business didnt go well and my uncle couldnt keep on sending a $10000 check to RPF any longer. When he complained my uncled was sent to Kami Prison and his business was auctioned.  When my uncle got out of the jail a year later he was told that his business now is owned by Crystal Ventures." I hope this name sounds familiar to Mr Entrepreneurs. My uncle had no choice but to get out of Rwanda because they had started threatening him. That is the spirit of RPF Entrepreneurship Mr Cyomoro is bragging about. Few years ago the Kigali UTC of Tribert Rujugiro a Tutsi who invested a lot in making your father who is today and established the Anti-Hutu RPF was grabbed by the RPF business branch leaving Rujugiro with no choice but to go into exile in South Africa. Later the man who gave your father the first Mercedes to use when he entered Kigali after the assassination of Habyarimana in 1994, Rwigara Assinapol was killed by the RPF police and his hotel demolished and yet he is an original Tutsi. You can imagine how Hutus are faring in that Rwanda of Gasabo.

Dear Mr Prince, you said that "If I could ensure specific outcomes from the World Economic Forum in Rwanda, they would consist of showcasing my country’s stable security, its cleanliness, and its vibrant economic life. Most importantly, the event would serve to shine global attention upon the rise of young African entrepreneurs."  I like you naive thinking and limited knowledge about what goes on inside Rwanda but today I have decided to help you understand how majority of Rwandans within and without Rwanda know Rwanda under RPF. Your father's government is notorious to hiding a tumor. Rwanda is stable because all young Rwandans are rotting at IWAWA ISLAND others are rotting behind the walls of 1930 Prison including the innocent Ingabire Victoire Umuhoza an innocent mother whom your father deprived freedom and access to her children. Did you know that she has a daughter of your sister's age? I know you dont care because your soup is made of her suffering. When you talk about cleanliness in Kigali I agree with you. This is because your dad gave an order of shoot to kill anyone, especially Hutus to be selling any goods in Kigali. So in a country where 85% of the people are Hutus and are excluded from the capital apart from cleaning the pavements at night, now you remain with 14% of the Tutsis walking the streets of Kigali, thus the cleanliness of the ghost town where Banana Sellers are killed to keep Kigali clean. Many families in the periphery of Kigali are suffering from jiggers. As long as you are not  a Hutu you cannot understand their sufferings, but one day you will. 

You said that you have a vision for propelling change on our continent or Rwanda if that matters. I wonder where you will propell Rwanda to. You recently graduated from a military school in USA and came back to rule over Rwandans, especially Hutus. You were not trained to be a state military but a corporate one because Rwanda is run by a company called RPF and your father is the chairman who is hoping that by 2034 you will take over. Therefore where do you want to propel Rwanda to boy? Not everyone has had the advantage of a great education and dedicated mentorship like you. You went to US schools at the expenses of Rwandan taxpayers whose majority are Hutus while their sons are held hostage at Iwawa Island. Therefore since you used the the old adage that“to whom much is given, much is expected" you have to remember that your dad trained you to keep Hutus in control now to spend much of your time on social media trying to prove that you performed well in class and yet we all know how you skipped schools in Boston. STOP LYING TO THE WORLD....

RD Congo : le Conclave de Bruxelles, une course d’obstacles pour l’opposition congolaise

Pour lire l'originale copie de JEUNE AFRIQUE cliquez ici
Par  - Envoyé spécial à Bruxelles
De droite à gauche, les leaders de l'opposition Raphaël Katebe, Etienne Tshisekedi et Gabriel Kyungu réunis à Bruxelles en préambule du "Conclave". © Twitter / @RdcVision
À Bruxelles, mercredi, la première journée du conclave de l'opposition a été marquée par le discours d'ouverture d'Étienne Tshisekedi, mais elle n'a pas permis d'aplanir toutes les divergences. Loin s'en faut.
La magie d’Étienne Tshisekedi suffira-t-elle ? Il y avait quelque chose d’émouvant à voir le vieux leader de l’opposition saluer chacun des invités du Conclave de Bruxelles, mercredi 8 juin, dans la banlieue de Bruxelles. Comme pour démontrer qu’il avait encore bon pied bon œil malgré ses 83 printemps et ses ennuis de santé, il a fait deux fois le tour de la salle pour saluer tout le monde, marchant lentement mais sans aide. Il a lu un discours, pendant une dizaine de minutes, bien que celui-ci fut beaucoup plus court que la version distribuée à la presse…
Sa simple apparition, à la fin de la première session du Conclave de l’opposition, a toutefois semblé redonner espoir aux participants. Mais les obstacles restaient nombreux à franchir, jeudi 9 juin, pour parvenir à un communiqué commun de l’opposition. En voici les trois principaux.
La définition de la structure du dialogue
Même s’il ne s’agit pas, à Bruxelles, d’élaborer un accord de gouvernement, la simple définition des groupes reconnus comme parties à ce Conclave de l’opposition a fait l’objet d’un intense débat, voire de disputes, tout au long de la journée du mercredi. Si bien que, le soir venu, le format de la rencontre n’était toujours pas arrêté.
L’option qui semblait tenir la corde était celle d’une conférence quadripartite avec l’Union pour la démocratie et le progrès social (UDPS, parti d’Étienne Tshisekedi) et ses alliés, la coalition « Dynamique de l’opposition », le G7 (groupe de sept partis soutenant Moïse Katumbi, issus de la Majorité présidentielle) et enfin l’Alternance pour la république (AR, autre coalition pro-Katumbi, issue elle de l’opposition).
Mais certains estimaient que cette structure faisait la part trop belle à Moïse Katumbi. Et la possibilité du passage d’une rencontre de quatre parties à trois ou à cinq était encore sur la table mercredi soir.
La venue de Moïse Katumbi
Viendra ? Viendra pas ? L’ancien gouverneur du Katanga faisait l’objet de toutes les spéculations lors de la première journée, au château du lac de Genval. S’il n’est finalement pas apparu le 8 juin – selon son entourage, il était toujours en convalescence à Londres – cela ne l’a pas empêché d’exercer, à distance, une grande influence sur les discussions.
Grand absent de ce raout, Vital Kamerhe proteste à sa manière contre l’influence, trop grande à ses yeux, de Katumbi
Car si tous les participants sont d’accord pour reconnaître un rôle particulier à Étienne Tshisekedi dans les discussions – c’est lui qui a signé les invitations – celui de Moïse Katumbi inquiète une partie d’entre eux. Certains participants l’accusent notamment de financer la rencontre, sans toutefois fournir de preuve.
Ceci explique en grande partie que Vital Kamerhe, le leader de l’Union pour la nation congolaise (UNC), n’ait pas fait le déplacement. Grand absent de ce raout, il proteste à sa manière contre l’influence, trop grande à ses yeux, de Katumbi. Mais il prend ainsi le risque de s’isoler ou d’affaiblir la coalition dont il fait partie (la Dynamique de l’opposition, qu’il compose notamment avec le Mouvement pour la libération du Congo de Jean-Pierre Bemba et l’Ecidé de Martin Fayulu).
La question du « dialogue » avec le pouvoir comme moyen d’action
C’était l’une des surprises du discours d’ouverture d’Étienne Tshisekedi. Définissant les grandes lignes de sa stratégie pour obtenir le départ de Joseph Kabila, celui-ci a paradoxalement insisté sur la nécessité d’un « dialogue » avec le pouvoir, assurant même que cela faisait partie de « l’ADN des Congolais ». Or la notion de « dialogue » est devenu un épouvantail dans l’opposition, tant elle est étroitement associée à l’initiative du président Joseph Kabila en ce sens, que beaucoup voient comme une manœuvre de la part de se dernier pour faire accepter son maintien au pouvoir au-delà du terme constitutionnel.
Pour se distancier de la proposition du président congolais, Étienne Tshisekedi a toutefois rappelé qu’il s’opposait à ce que l’envoyé de l’Union africaine, Edem Kodjo, soit le seul médiateur de ce dialogue. Il veut y associer également l’Union européenne, les États-Unis, les Nations-unies et l’Organisation internationale de la francophonie (OIF).
« Il ne faut peut-être pas appeler ça dialogue, parce qu’on l’associe trop souvent à la stratégie de Joseph Kabila, mais peut-être plutôt négociation », tentait de clarifier Olivier Kamitatu, un des responsables du G7, à l’issue de la journée.

Thursday, 9 June 2016


By Mugisha, Kalongi


Abatutsi nabantu bakunda ikinyoma kandi bakakibyara, bakakirembera bakagikuza gusa ntibajya bacutsa ikinyoma. Kuva FPR yatangira umugambi wokwica abahutu ikiri muri Uganda kugeza nanuyu munsi abatutsi babeshejweho nikinyoma. Ikinyoma kinini babunza aho bajyahose haba hano mu Rwanda cyaga se mubanyamahanga nuko ngo abatutsi bababariye abahutu. Hanyuma se mubyukuri ari hagati yumututsi wamaze imyaka 400 aca abahutu babagabo ibishahu(amabya) maze bakayambika ingoma Kalinga. Abatutsi bagiye baroga abami babahutu aribo Bahinza. Abatutsi bateye urwanda bakica umuhutu wese bahuye nawe kuva kumwana wincuke za Kiyombe kugeza kugikomangoma cyumuhutu nka Habyarimana juvenal wari warimakaje abatutsi barangiza bakamuhitana. Abatutsi bishe Ndadaye, bakicya Ntaryamira, bakica Sendashonga. Ari abatutsi nabahutu uwagombye kubabarira undi ninde?

Muminsi ishize rero ikinyoma cya Musenyeri Rucyahana na Mugenzi we Paul Kagame bose akaba ari bene Kanjogera bebeshya ngo abatutsi bababariye abahutu ntibyigeze bibaho. Nkuko umututsi akaba numuhezanguni ruharwa wo mwitorero ryabadeventiste bo ku Kibuye Bwana Paul Muvunyi yabivuze yeruye. Mukwezi kwa Gatanu tariki ya gatatu 2016 umututsi ruharwa bwana Muvunyi Paul yabwiye Pasteri wumuhutu Pasteri Gakwerere ubwo yamubwiraga ko amateka yavuze atayemera ngo kuko atavuga kububi bwabahutu. Ariko ahangaha yiyibagije ububi bwinyenzi uburyo zitozwa mumico yazo ko umwanzi wambere wumututsi ari umuhutu  kandi ko nizica umuhutu zigomba kumuca amabya. Uyu mututsi ubwo yari yuzuye ubugome numujinya nkuwinzoka yincira yagize ati: "Pasteri Gakwerere wa Muhutuwe va mumateka mbwira uko wishe abavandimwe banjye. Kandi nkatwe twavukiye hano i Ngoma tuzi neza ko Pasteri Gakwerere rwose arengana. Abatutsi benshi hano bishwe ninterahamwe zari zivuye mubindi bice. Kandi bapfuye muri gahunda yari yarateguwe na FPR yogukoresha zimwe munyenzi infiltres mukwica abatutsi bene wabo cyane ababagogwe dore ko abatutsi bi Cyingogo babarwa mubatutsi baba Gogwe kugirango amahanga akomeze yime intwaro ya President Habyarimana. 

Uyu mututsi rero yarakomeje yemezako harabatutsi bakijijwe nabahutu aho yavugaga kumugore warumaze gutanga ubuhamya uko yarokotse. Paul Muvunyi ati uyu mugore yarokotse kuberako umugabo we ari umuhutu. Mugihe leta ya FPR na Ibuka bavugako abahutu bishe nabagore babo kugirango babone imfashanyo yabazungu. Uyumututsi we numujinya mwinshi nubugome burengeje kabyare ati. Wakize kuko warufite umugabo wumuhutu. Ntiyigeze yemera ko Imana ibaho kandi ngo numudeventist wakijijwe. Yakijijwe ate se niba aya mashitani akimwuzuye mumutima. Uyu mututsi rero amze kwiyemerera ko abatutsi bose bo kukibuye bohereje abana babo kujya munyenzi bafite umugambi mubisha wogutsembaho abahutu. Nubwo uwo mugambi utabahiriye kuko abenshi mubabyeyi babo bakubiswe ubuhiri bashoboye gufata ubutegetsi bica abahutu benshi bashakaga kwica abasigaye babagira abagaragu babo. Abandi barabacunaguza nkuko ubona Pasteri Gakwerere arimo kwicwa urqagashinyaguro akabura naho yanyura ngo ahunge uru Rwanda rwa Paul. 

Uyu mututsi rero Paul Muvunyi ngo yatewe umwanana wigitoki numwana wumuhutu aramubwira ati abo batutsi babagome. None se mubyukuri uwo mwana yarabeshye hehe. Muvunyi ngo ashaka ko abahutu cyane cyane ababadventiste bakoma kukibuye bahungiye Zambia, ZImbabwe, Malawi, Mozambiki na Amerika bacurwa kungufu. Kugirango abone uburyo abica uwakavuna muminyururu abatutsi bubatse hirya no hino mu Rwanda dore ko abo bari barafungiyemo bamaze gushira bagwa muminyururu maze amagufwa yabo bakayaha abahutu ngo bayoze nyuma amanikwe kurwibutso nkamagufwa yabahutu. Muvunyi ati ndashima ingoma yabatutsi bene wacu ko yabigize itegeko kugirango abahutu bajye baza mukwibuka maze tubacurire tunabacira mumaso kuko ntakivurira bakigira. Naho kera ttwarazaga abahutu bagakomeza imilimo yabo. Ariko sha Muvu..wiyibagije ko nimyaka 400 yashize? Ese ibyayikurikiye ntiwabibonye. Tuza rero niba Imana ihorera abayo harigihe itategerezako usaza ukajya ikuzimo utabajijwe ibyo ukorera ababyeyi bacu. Erega na baba bazehe ulimo kugaraguza agati babyara abahungu.

Yarakomeje ati aha tuhafata twahafashe kuberako turi abatutsi. Sibyaringombwa ko urusengero ruhaduha kuko twafashe ubutegetsi dufata igihugu ndetse nibirimo byose harimo na Pasteri Gakwerere. Twafungishije Ntakirutimana numuhungu we namwe nimutareba neza tuzabafunga numuryango wanyu. Ndasaba ko abadventist baduha amafranga yo kubaka irimbi moderne rwabapfu bacu. Nibitaba ibyo nzabwira Kagame ampe inyenzi zibahindemo ubudehe. Yarakomeje ati abadventiste bagomba guhindura ibyo bakora mumunsi w Imana aho kujya mumitwe ahubwo bagomba kujya bibuka abapfu babatutsi bishwe kuberako bari bohereje abana babo mugutegura uburyo bazica abahutu. Ngaho rero bantu musenga Imana aho muvuga Yesu mugomba kujya muharamya abatutsi bishwe bazira ubugambanyi bwabo no kwikunda kwabo kurenze ukwemera kwa muntu. Ati FPR igomba gukora ibishoboka kuburyo abahutu bamazuru ko bagomba kubafunga amazuru bakanywa umuti byange bikunda. Knadi akaba ashaka ko azabica. Ngao nawe irebere iyo video uko uwo mututsi yari yakamejeje avuga ngo ababajwe nuko hakiri bahutu mukarere ka mugonera. Ikintu gusa namushimiye nuko yavuze ati ubwingenge burarwanirwa abahutu bahora kbakuruye ibifu bakibagirwa ko bagomba kubohoza urwanda. Dore video.