Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Millennial School Students Are Young, Horny And Restless


I was invited to a school to deliver a motivational talk to a group of preadolescent and adolescent youngsters.  I regretted the invitation as soon I accepted it because school kids are a difficult proposition. Adults can be forgiving when you are boring, however a young school audience work with the assumption that you will be stale unless you produce hits like Sauti Sol or have a TV show like Jeff Koinange. I did not want to be preachy, with the usual work hard spiel, go to Harvard, be all you want to be.

Standing in front of the young audience, I started by announcing what I thought were ‘my cool’ credentials, ending up quoting the Fresh Prince, Will Smith from a song out of the 80s, “Parents just do not understand” a reference that only their parents would understand. Half the gathering was lost in thought, the other half, looking everywhere but at me and the few who were paying attention refused to laugh at my lame jokes. I kept it short and concluded by pleading with my young audience to share what was truly on their minds and not just want they thought their teachers wanted to hear.
After the short opening remarks, the students were divided into small groups and a group of parents, were tasked with moving from one group to the next, getting up close and personal and offering advice. It was not a very efficient format. All I had was 15 minutes to gain their confidence and create a safe space for them to open up. I stuck to telling stories because even when they missed the point, chances are, someone would remember a story. I could tell, the students were merely tolerating us. Some did not even pretend to be interested. I shared career advice and motivational tips as I restrained myself from shutting down the few brats I encountered. There is always that kid who has life all figured out at 10 years of age.
If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library
-Frank Zappa
Eventually, I ended up with a group of 12-14 years olds, the ‘seniors’ who quickly cut to the chase, when I implored them not to treat me like some 200 year old relic. They formed a hurdle, whispered among themselves, appointed a spokesman and leaned around him as he spoke,
There is this girl…..she is crazy…. (Tell me, more son)
…..well she goes around daring guys to get down…know what I mean (I could hazard a guess)
… and if you don’t, she calls you out”.
I told them you could always say “Not interested!” and it is okay. Most of them had a puzzled look.  It was an option that had not being considered.
I could relate with their confusion. In school, reputation is everything and young men would rarely pass up an opportunity to lose their virginity. They felt like their ‘manhood’ was on the line, stuck between status seeking and inexperience; performance anxiety and raging hormones; social awkwardness and peer shame. They were under pressure at 13 years of age, to live up to the expectation that men are supposed to want it all the time. Boys and Men are socialized to make the first move and it can be very confusing when they encounter a forward woman.
We live in a society that polices women’s desires and refuses to acknowledge that women also have high sex drives, just as equal to men. Only that they face greater risks if they are too forward. Such as unwanted pregnancy and subsequent abandonment, the loss of social reputation also known as slut shaming and opening the door to sexual violence. The frequent excuse of sexual crimes is, “She was asking for it”.
We have become part of a society that sets up kids to fail by failing to equip them with the means to understand sexual cravings and protect them from the perversions of adults.  The schools are not equipped to provide sexual education, beyond the stern warning against pregnancy. Religious institutions are frequently caught out falling far short of their own high moral standards. Parents never really got over their repressed sexual issues to offer any meaningful guidance other than, “Don’t bring shame to the family”.
While the children fantasize about sex, the parents deny its existence, leaving room for seriously conflicting messaging. One of the greatest challenges of parenting today is teaching young people to develop healthy attitude towards sex, without burdening them with guilt and the fear of sexual repression that morph into serious psychological problems in adulthood.
Pre adolescents are negotiating for sex on their own terms, unconsciously ruled by fantasy and fear. We have to devise an enlightened approach, to how we talk about sex. The real solutions lie beyond the abstinence-only doctrine, for we cannot ignore the power of the flurry of overt and subliminal sexual messaging that is urging young ones, to get some, all the time.
Dancing is the perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire
-George Bernard Shaw

Of Rwanda’s deaf leadership, blind opposition and undetermined citizenry  —  Didas Gasana

By Didas Gasana

Few days ago, while the plane was negotiating the force of gravity; at the ground speed of 977Km/hr, altitude: 9734 meters; Direction: 12.090 North East; i made myself comfortable listening to one of Rwanda’s opposition radio programs. Impressed I was not.Two days ago; a friend sent me a clip of Rwandan President Paul Kagame’s speech to a selected few Rwandan universities students at Kigali Convention Center. Impressed I was not.Few hours ago, news reports from Kigali indicated an un-usual citizen action of blocking Kigali city center- Nyamirambo road because of non-payment of the very workers who constructed the road. Impressed I was not.The lowest common denominator in all the three stories is confusion, lack of tact, helplessness and hopelessness. Look, President Kagame- a former rebel leader turned President (Did he leave the army by the way?) is known for many things- including finding you where you are in case you pose a threat to his hold on power. But in the clip, I listened to a desperate general drawing lines that people shouldn’t cross. In my formative years, I used to hear him saying he will go for the enemy in his own operational area. 

This time, he is waiting for the enemy to cross the line (into Rwanda). Things change so fast. Who thought the almighty would feel helpless one day? How things got here is a subject for another day.While dissecting the hopelessness and helplessness, an opposition radio was busy relaying to its listeners how its parent party leaders are hardcore criminals and super dictators. The splinter-group leaders directed all their energies convincing their audience how evil RNC leaders are. I would have given them a benefit of doubt had they not said that General Kayumba Nyamwasa sent Charles Kambanda and I to propagate genocide denial on their former radio. Meanwhile, on another opposition radio, two prominent Hutu oppositions politicians were literally massacring each other.With Rwanda at a presumed near state of war, her opposition is busy massacring each other. Amidst the plot is a terrified citizenry longing for a misplaced hope. Let us be clear: President Kagame has so many credits under his belt. Effectively eliminating political dissent is not an attribute of the weak. How sustainable it is, is a different matter. The opposition as well shouldn’t be robbed of its successes. But rain comes when it is least needed; thus why the citizenry should reclaim their locus standi. And the question is how.Unseen by many, PK’s most important source of power is not the military or his omnipotent intel services. 

It is the Rwandese people. Unquestioning submission to authority and rulers has been long inculcated in our population. The social, political, economic, and even religious institutions of the society — outside of state control — have been deliberately weakened, subordinated, and some replaced by new regimented institutions used by the state or ruling party to control the society. The population has often been atomized (turned into a mass of isolated individuals) unable to work together to achieve freedom, to confide in each other, or even to do much of anything at their own initiative.The result is predictable: the population has become weak, lacks self-confidence, and is incapable of resistance. People are often too frightened to share their hatred of the dictatorship and their hunger for freedom even with family and friends. People are often too terrified to think seriously of public resistance. Instead, they face suffering without purpose and a future without hope. The truth is simple to deduct. Dictators require the assistance of the people they rule, without which they cannot secure and maintain the sources of political power. PK’s source of political power and legitimacy depend on acceptance of the regime, on the submission and obedience of the population, and on the cooperation of innumerable people and the many institutions of the society. 

Full cooperation, obedience, and support increase the availability of the needed sources of power and, consequently, expand the power capacity of any government. On the other hand, withdrawal of popular and institutional cooperation with aggressors and dictators diminishes, and may sever, the availability of the sources of power on which all rulers depend.Without availability of those sources, the rulers’ power weakens and finally dissolves. Naturally, dictators are sensitive to actions and ideas that threaten their capacity to do as they like. Dictators are therefore likely to threaten and punish those who disobey, strike, or fail to cooperate. However, that is not the end of the story. Repression, even brutalities, do not always produce a resumption of the necessary degree of submission and cooperation for the regime to function.The degree of liberty or tyranny in any government is, it follows, in large degree a reflection of the relative determination of the subjects to be free and their willingness and ability to resist efforts to enslave them. Contrary to popular opinion, even totalitarian dictatorships are dependent on the population and the societies they rule. Niccolo Machiavelli argued that the prince “. . . who has the public as a whole for his enemy can never make himself secure; and the greater his cruelty, the weaker does his regime become.” Three of the most important factors in determining to what degree a government’s power will be controlled or uncontrolled therefore are: (1) the relative desire of the populace to impose limits on the government’s power; (2) the relative strength of the subjects’ independent organizations and institutions to withdraw collectively the sources of power; and (3) the population’s relative ability to withhold their consent and assistance.PK’s vulnerabilityRecent history shows the vulnerability of dictatorships, and reveals that they can crumble in a relatively short time span: whereas ten years — 1980-1990 — were required to bring down the Communist dictatorship in Poland, in East Germany and Czechoslovakia in 1989 it occurred within weeks. In El Salvador and Guatemala in 1944 the struggles against the entrenched brutal military dictators required approximately two weeks each. The Marcos dictatorship in the Philippines fell before people power within weeks in 1986.Kagame’s regime of terror appear seems invulnerable to many. Intelligence agencies, police, military forces, prisons, execution squads are controlled by a powerful few. A country’s finances, natural resources, and production capacities are arbitrarily plundered and used to support his regime. 

In comparison, democratic opposition forces often appear extremely weak, ineffective, and powerless. That perception of invulnerability against powerlessness makes effective opposition unlikely.That is not the whole story, however. Identifying the achilles’ heel A myth from Classical Greece illustrates well the vulnerability of the supposedly invulnerable. Against the warrior Achilles, no blow would injure and no sword would penetrate his skin. When still a baby, Achilles’ mother had supposedly dipped him into the waters of the magical river Styx, resulting in the protection of his body from all dangers. There was, however, a problem. Since the baby was held by his heel so that he would not be washed away, the magical water had not covered that small part of his body. When Achilles was a grown man he appeared to all to be invulnerable to the enemies’ weapons. However, in the battle against Troy, instructed by one who knew the weakness, an enemy soldier aimed his arrow at Achilles’ unprotected heel, the one spot where he could be injured.The strike proved fatal. Still today, the phrase “Achilles’ heel” refers to the vulnerable part of a person, a plan, or an institution at which if attacked there is no protection. The same principle applies to ruthless dictatorships. They, too, can be conquered, but most quickly and with least cost if their weaknesses can be identified and the attack concentrated on them.Rwanda at a glance-The cooperation of a multitude of people, groups, and institutions needed to operate the system have been somehow restricted, epitomized by the fact that new political groupings formed in 2010 and later on, attracted huge following.

The requirements and effects of the regime’s past policies have somewhat limited its present ability to adopt and implement conflicting policies.-The system has become routine in its operation, less able to adjust quickly to new situations.-Subordinates fearful of displeasing their master PK more often than not report inaccurate or complete information needed by the dictator to make decisions.-The RPF ideology has eroded, and myths and symbols of the system have become unstable.-Internal institutional conflicts and personal rivalries and hostilities have destroyed and even disrupted, Kagame’s operations.-Intellectuals and students have become restless in response to conditions, restrictions, doctrinarism, and repression.-With so many decisions made by so few people in the system, mistakes of judgment, policy, and actions have resulted.-His internal nucleus has disintegrated, and so has the revolutionary bond that held his party together.-The international community, thanks to the opposition, is bracing for a change.ConduitA Fourteenth Century Chinese parable by Liu-Ji, outlines a somewhat neglected understanding of political power quite well: In the feudal state of Chu an old man survived by keeping monkeys in his service. The people of Chu called him “ju gong” (monkey master). Each morning, the old man would assemble the monkeys in his courtyard, and order the eldest one to lead the others to the mountains to gather fruits from bushes and trees. It was the rule that each monkey had to give one-tenth of his collection to the old man. Those who failed to do so would be ruthlessly flogged. All the monkey’s suffered bitterly, but dared not complain.One day, a small monkey asked the other monkeys: “Did the old man plant all the fruit trees and bushes?” The others said: “No, they grew naturally.” The small monkey further asked: “Can’t we take the fruits without the old man’s permission?” The others replied: “Yes, we all can.” The small monkey continued: “Then, why should we depend on the old man; why must we all serve him?” Before the small monkey was able to finish his statement, all the monkeys suddenly became enlightened and awakened.On the same night, watching that the old man had fallen asleep, the monkeys tore down all the barricades of the stockade in which they were confined, and destroyed the stockade entirely. 

They also took the fruits the old man had in storage, brought all with them to the woods, and never returned. The old man finally died of starvation. Yu-li-zi says, “Some men in the world rule their people by tricks and not by righteous principles. Aren’t they just like the monkey master? They are not aware of their muddle headedness. As soon as their people become enlightened, their tricks no longer work.”With knowledge of aforementioned weaknesses, the democratic opposition should seek to aggravate these “Achilles’ heels” deliberately in order to alter the system drastically or to disintegrate it. The conclusion is then clear: despite the appearances of strength, all dictatorships have weaknesses, internal inefficiencies, personal rivalries, institutional inefficiencies, and conflicts between organizations and departments.These weaknesses, over time, tend to make the regime less effective and more vulnerable to changing conditions and deliberate resistance. Not everything the regime sets out to accomplish will get completed. At times, for example, even Hitler’s direct orders were never implemented because those beneath him in the hierarchy refused to carry them out. The dictatorial regime may at times even fall apart quickly, as we have already observed.This does not mean dictatorships can be destroyed without risks and casualties. Every possible course of action for liberation will involve risks and potential suffering, and will take time to operate. And, of course, no means of action can ensure rapid success in every situation. However, types of struggle that target the dictatorship’s identifiable weaknesses have greater chance of success than those that seek to fight the dictatorship where it is clearly strongest. The question is how this struggle is to be waged. In our case, the trick is the people’s power to resist.Now back to the citizens’ action of blocking the road. These citizens should know or have reasons to know that the degree of their repression is a measure of to what extent they are able to tolerate that repression. In Korea, railway workers brought down a regime. In Tunisia, a hawker set in motion a regime change. How about withholding factors of production rather than demonstrating when your factor of production is not compensated? Supposing Rwandan farmers refuse to sell their produce to food merchants? The regime would be down in days. Supposing public servants stay in bed, the regime would be down in days. On that note; Rwandans have what they deserve.

Thursday, 8 September 2016



In 2007 I met Pastor Rick Warren in Kigali as he was coming to visit his charity activities in Kenya and to get some kickbacks from the minerals looted from Congo. He was in a jovial mood and filled with the "holy" ghost hoovering over the ridges and the hills surrounding Kigali. We had a couple of meetings and most of them over lunch. All meetings were filled with prayers that scare all the African Giant Pouched Rats, especially those ones which had started starving due to the facts that most of the bones had been neatly preserved in different shelves built across Rwanda. The rats of Kigali had started becoming more dangerous to the people of Rwanda due to its big number and shrinking opportunities food opportunities around the country. In all his prayers Mr. pastor could spend more time praying for his friend Paul Kagame than  the people he leads. This is because the pastor knew well that by calming the evil ghost inside Kagame could continue giving him free access to the immense wealth in Eastern DRC where more people were dying like flies killed by the Californian, Otawan, Londoner, and Sydneyan corporates. Majority of the people who were being shot and killed like guinea pigs were and are still Hutus from the regions of Masisi and Rutchuru. Therefore, as long as Kagame and his Tutsi-cronies continued to give tenth of what they looted in DRC Pastor Rick has no issues with that.
Tony Blair, Paul Kagame, and Rick Warren...These three people made Hutus Lives Miserable

In our subsequent meetings with Mr Warren, I told him that he should be careful with how he deals with Kagame and his team because they are never trustworth. I even warned him that Kagame is his friend because of the lobbyism that Rick Warren does in Washington on behalf of Mr Kagame once that is gone the friendship betwen Kagame and Rick would end the same day. He looked at me with frown eyes and asked "why do you think negatively about Paul Kagame." I told him I am simply stating the facts not hate. Today Mr. Warren can look back and say, "indeed that boy he had observed well.

Bwana Warren, I want to let you know that I have know Paul Kagame since I was 4 years old. As someone who come from Ngarama in Gatsibo, Byumba, I fully understand why all this is happening.

To say that something strange has been happening in Rwanda lately is to understate what is going on in Rwanda. We all know what Rick Warren did to influence the political landscape of the RPF politics both inside Rwanda and in America. Rick Warren is a man who fought the RPF psychological and political war by telling the world that Kagame is good for Rwanda and Hutus are animals. However despite being accorded all presidential privileges in Rwanda payed by the Hutu taxpayers since they are the most who pay taxes to the RPF government, Rick Warren has been attacked publicly by another privileged Tutsi the Anglican Bishop Alexis Bilindabagabo who went online and told to the world what the Kigali Master Paul Kagame had told him to say. In his article designed to  humble the American Bishop Pastor Rick Warren.
The Hatred Against Innocent Hutus by these Two Men Warren and Rwaje Is Beyond An y Measure

In his article the Tutsi elite Bishop Alexis Bilindabagabo said that the American evangelist has been reaping the credits where he did not sow. According to Bishop Alexis Warren has played a role in the creation of Peace Plan organization, but it is not his initiative, as the idea came from other people who co-founded the organization. In the first and second year, Rich Warren attended the annual conference of Peace Plan and contributed some money. But now, we thank God for not allowing Rick Warren to attend Peace Plan conferences and not allowing him to give his money. We praise God for the fact that Rick Warren has not been in Rwanda for a while, because when he comes, he hijacks actions that are not his and people are mislead and attribute him the Peace Plan conference. 
The Peace Plan that Bishop Alexis is talking about is an initiative to ostensibly fight poverty and other social ills across Rwanda. However, this peace plan has been solely used to promote the Pro-Tutsi Slogan of forgiveness where they take photos of miserable Hutu kids attending this forced peace plan to humiliate them as the offspring of those participated in massacre and yet Paul Kagame is the one who brought war to Rwanda after being blessed by Americans to come to Rwanda to slaughter as many as he could to establish a Tutsi-Hima Kingdom.

You can read more about it here. Bishop Alexis has been around since before the genocide and is connected to Gen. Salim Saleh Akandwanaho, the brother of Ugandan dictator Museveni. General Salim helps raise funds for the new cathedral being built in Gahini. Bishop Alexis is now the chairperson of the Purpose Driven Ministries’ PEACE Plan. He is also one of the extremist Tutsis who participated in all ways to make sure as many Hutus were killed and others thrown behind bars or were fed to the crocodiles in the Lake muhazi near where Bishop Alexis Bilindabagabo has a church in Gahini. This story could be corroborated by the people from around muhazi who lost their people to the Muhazi Crocodile Farm.

This article on the recent Rwanda Shima Imana celebration which is a Tutsi Rally to thank their god of how they killed Hutus and took over power after killing two Hutu presidents Habyarimana Juvenal of Rwanda and Ntaryamira Cyprian of Burundi makes no mention of Rick Warren! He is being written out of the script unlike before when he was the man of the moment in Rwanda harassing innocent Hutu children.

Until recently, Rick Warren was a best friend of Paul Kagame. Warren has a long history of praising Rwanda and being praised by Rwandans. For example, in 2009 Rwanda’s Anglican Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini visited Saddleback, and Warren’s church presented dictator Paul Kagame with an award. A communication from the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA) said:
“There is unity in the one holy catholic and apostolic church. Having Rick Warren there [as preacher] was a blessing.”
While in the LA area, the Archbishop was able to connect with old missionary friends he had been with in the Congo, but hadn’t seen for 12 years. In addition, he participated in and offered an opening blessing during the Saddleback Civil Forum on Reconciliation at Saddleback Church. Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda, was awarded the International Medal of Peace for his “dedication, sacrifice and leadership in reconciliation, the fight against poverty and disease and efforts towards economic development of Rwanda.” As recently as the summer of 2015, Fr. Brandon Walsh, an American who works for Archbishop Rwaje met with Rick Warren. He wrote: …the Archbishop and I traveled the country working on Walk With Rwanda. Our very first meeting was with Rick Warren at Saddleback- who has committed to help us with Walk With Rwanda by promoting it with his (millions strong!) social media presence and by putting one of his top strategists on our board of advisors. He was a humble and kind man who loves the archbishop- it was the best way to start our journey.

What is going on? This article says that the website that published the article lambasting Warren is close to the Rwandan government, and we know that Rwanda is a locked-down dictatorship, so views that are not popular with the government are not published, period. David Himbara served under Paul Kagame from 2006 to 2010 as the head of strategy and policy in the Office of the President and from 2000 to 2002 as the principal private secretary to the president. He says: Bishop Birindangabo would not dare trash Warren without approval from the Rwandan dictator Kagame. It is more likely that instructions to embarrass Warren came from the top. That is how Rwanda works.

Himbara pointed out in this post that Warren never followed through or showed up for a much-hyped All Africa Purpose Driven Church Congress set for Kigali in 2015: The August 2015 conference never happened. Further, Rick Warren was a no show in Rwanda on February 20, 2016 at the annual prayer he normally attends. At one time, Warren was on Kagame’s “Presidential Advisory Council”, a group of Rwandans and Westerners who meet annually with Kagame to strategize how to kill or blackmail Hutus whether here inside Rwanda or outside. For example, you see his name on the list for the 2009 meeting. In recent years however, Warren seems to have dropped off, as this picture from 2015 attests. We can only speculate as to what has caused this rupture between Paul Kagame and Rick Warren. Does it come down to money? Did Kagame’s grasp for a third term as President open Warren’s eyes? Did the website Saddleback Can We Talk? cause a stir? Is Kagame’s record as a murderer and oppressor catching up to him in the West? It is impossible to say at this time.
As an Anglican, watching the re-emergence of Bishop Alexis as the mouthpiece for government speaking points is quite interesting. He played a central role in the collapse of the Anglican Mission in America, but seemed to be sidelined a bit when it was succeeded by PEARUSA. With the end of that organization and the transition to Rwanda Ministry Partnerships, perhaps Anglicans in Rwanda are more “free” to support Kagame in public.

As I said before it is hard to find any born again RPF member because they get saved today but when they see a Hutu they become unholy due to the hatred they harbor for the Hutus.